
How to be

taken seriously

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Standing on the Right steps

Remember, everything you will be doing to build your fascist regime is absolutely legal. And do you know why it is legal? Because it is a natural truth. It may not be the most obvious truth but nevertheless it is what it is. You are only making your country great again!

Of course, it is going to take some work. And to carry out your mission you gotta surround yourself with people who have the Right mindset. All great fascist leaders took power legally. But they didn’t do it alone and neither will you.

9 out of 10 fascists recommend is to form or join an already established political party. Just keep in mind that you are really not joining them, you are only using them as a catapult to success. It doesn’t matter which one you pick as long as it is composed by the Right people, after all you are going to retro-fit it with your own brilliant ideas. To be sure which one to choose and before doing anything rash, stop and answer the following questions:

Which of the current parties are more likely to fall in line with your program?

Who has the most malleable fandom?

Do they dislike musicals as you do?

Do they order pineapple on their pizza?

show yourself

After your big display of charisma and power everybody knows what you are all about so now all you have to do is use your political legitimacy to convince the already failing government to make you the next big thing.

It usually doesn’t take much. Once they realize that everybody else loves you (thanks to your sixth sense of fashion and style) and that your plan is solid they will all see the great leader you already see in the mirror.

leader marching in front of his soldier

Your country is being held together by a thread, nobody gives you the respect you know you deserve, and the youth is painting their hair with all sorts of crazy colors, everything is falling apart really. Make them see the demand for change. Also, you can always sprinkle your campaign with a little bit of the good ol’ Red scare, that always gets them.

Your country is being held together by a thread, nobody gives you the respect you know you deserve, and the youth is painting their hair with all sorts of crazy colors, everything is falling apart really. Make them see the demand for change. Also, you can always sprinkle your campaign with a little bit of the good ol’ Red scare, that always gets them.

toot your own horn

Convince those in power that you are the best option for the country’s future. Make them think it was their idea to hand power over to the emotional, confident and good-looking fascist leader that you are. Make them think you are working for them when in reality they are working for you! It’s a genius move.

Also, don’t forget you need to have a killer publicity. With catchy slogans and sleak aesthetic. Nobody wants a leader with poor taste. You are a public image now and you should outshine the sun itself.

Also, don’t forget you need to have a killer publicity. With catchy slogans and sleak aesthetic. Nobody wants a leader with poor taste. You are a public image now and you should outshine the sun itself.


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